
Laut werden für Lynne Stewart

Im Fall der inhaftierten Anwältin Lynne Stewart tut sich etwas. Vermutlich wird es juristisch die letzte realistische Chance sein, sie noch vor ihrem Tod aus dem Gefängnis zu bekommen.

Vorgestern (31. Juli) gab es eine gerichtliche Anhörung vor Judge Koetl in NYC. Die Verteidigung verlangt eine Entlassung von Lynne, weil sie stirbt. Die Staatsanwaltschaft beruft sich auf ein Gesetz von 1984, dass in so einem Fall eine Empfehlung der Gefängnisbehörde verlangt, die es hier aber nicht gibt, weil der Chef der Behörde trotz aller notwendigen Berichte und erfüllten Auflagen keinen entsprechenden Brief verfasst.

Die Verteidigung führt Statistiken an, wonach ca. 24% aller Gefangenen bei vergleichbaren Situationen gestorben sind, während sie auf Bezirksgerichtsebene eine Entlassung beantragt und auf die Entscheidung gewartet haben.


Lynne möchte nicht im Gefängnis sterben oder eine weitere Zahl in dieser traurigen Statistik werden, erklärte ihre Verteidigung. Der Richter ordnete eine Stellungnahme von (Obamas) Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft bis zum Beginn der kommenden Woche an und gibt Lynnes Verteidigung dann einen Tag Zeit, darauf zu antworten. Ein weitere Anhörung ist für den 8. August angesetzt.

In NYC gab es bereits am 1. August eine (sehr kleine) Kundgebung vor dem Gerichtsgebäude (siehe angehangene Fotos). Für den 8. August rufen sie erneut zu einer Kundgebung vor dem Gericht auf und würden sich über weitere freuen.

Ausserdem rufen sie auf, die Petition für ihre Freilassung in den nächsten Tagen besonders zu verbreiten. Sie befindet sich auf www.lynnestewart.org

Ein englischer Text dafür: Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Dick Gregory, Alice Walker, Bianca Jagger, Pete Seeger, Ed Asner, Father  Miguel  D’Escoto Brockmann, Daniel Berrigan, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and 25,000 others in the United States and internationally who have signed the petition to free Lynne Stewart – at www.lynnestewart.org

Free Lynne Stewart Now!

12 -  2PM- Near the Federal Court Building   AT FOLEY SQUARE, IN THE PARK in Lower Manhattan Trains: J/Z, 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall.


: re motion to have Lynne's sentence overturned by the judge who, in 2010, re-sentenced her to 10 years from 28 months. The following is a synopsis of what transpired as reported in a telephone call by Ralph Poynter:

Lynne Stewart's attorneys filed an emergency Motion (2255) with Judge Koetl seeking Lynne's "immediate conditional release" pending consideration of the legal issues presented in their brief.

The judge asked why they chose to exhaust their one time right to an emergency motion. The Defense response was that Lynne Stewart is terminally ill. The luxury of time is not available to her or her counsel. An expeditious response from the Court is imperative in the face of her medical condition and in the light of the Bureau of Prisons' unwarranted denial of her application for compassionate release and protracted delays that could be expected if she submitted another application.

The Prosecution, acting for the Justice Department of Barack Obama, asserted that the Judge has no standing because there is no motion for Compassionate Release before him from Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr. as specified in the 1984 Sentencing Act.


The Defense presented a Brief which documents that the Federal Bureau of Prisons had violated separation of powers as the 1984 Congressional Statute assigns to the Court the right to modify a prison sentence in light of facts not available at the time of trial, notably those pertaining to terminal illness. "The BOP has implemented its own interpretation and refused to notify the sentencing judge of objectively 'extraordinary and compelling circumstances,' including but not limited to imminent death, unless, in its own judgment, a motion should be granted. Between 2000 and 2008, on average, 21.3 motions were filed each year. In about 24% of those motions, the prisoner died before the district court ever had a chance to rule on the motion." "Lynne Stewart is dying," wrote her attorneys. She does not want to die in prison or become another statistic of someone who dies while the Bureau of Prisons delays its reconsideration of another application for compassionate release that she plans to file soon. 

Judge Koetl gave a directive to the Federal Attorney to set out its case by next Tuesday and also to explain why the Bureau of Prisons has refused to disclose or release the records that provide the basis for its denial of Lynne Stewart's recent application for compassionate release.

Lynne Stewart's defense attorneys will have one day to answer before the next hearing scheduled for Thursday, August 8 at 12 p.m.

Judge Koetl has the authority to mandate immediate conditional release to Lynne Stewart.


Lynne Stewart’s condition is deteriorating rapidly. Medical treatment to arrest the cancer that is metastasizing in her body 

• Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Dick Gregory, Alice Walker, Bianca Jagger, Pete Seeger, Ed Asner, Father  Miguel  D’Escoto Brockmann, Daniel Berrigan, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and 25,000 others in the United States and internationally who have signed the petition to free Lynne Stewart – at www.lynnestewart.org.

PLEASE CONSIDER HOLDING A RALLY IN YOUR COMMUNITY, TOO, ! Contact Ralph Poynter at (917) 853-9759

Free Lynne Stewart Now!

12 -  2PM- Near the Federal Court Building   AT FOLEY SQUARE, IN THE PARK in Lower Manhattan Trains: J/Z, 4/5/6 to Brooklyn Bridge/City Hall.

: re motion to have Lynne's sentence overturned by the judge who, in 2010, re-sentenced her to 10 years from 28 months. The following is a synopsis of what transpired as reported in a telephone call by Ralph Poynter:

Lynne Stewart's attorneys filed an emergency Motion (2255) with Judge Koetl seeking Lynne's "immediate conditional release" pending consideration of the legal issues presented in their brief. The judge asked why they chose to exhaust their one time right to an emergency motion. The Defense response was that Lynne Stewart is terminally ill. The luxury of time is not available to her or her counsel. An expeditious response from the Court is imperative in the face of her medical condition and in the light of the Bureau of Prisons' unwarranted denial of her application for compassionate release and protracted delays that could be expected if she submitted another application.

The Prosecution, acting for the Justice Department of Barack Obama, asserted that the Judge has no standing because there is no motion for Compassionate Release before him from Federal Bureau of Prisons Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr. as specified in the 1984 Sentencing Act.

The Defense presented a Brief which documents that the Federal Bureau of Prisons had violated separation of powers as the 1984 Congressional Statute assigns to the Court the right to modify a prison sentence in light of facts not available at the time of trial, notably those pertaining to terminal illness. "The BOP has implemented its own interpretation and refused to notify the sentencing judge of objectively 'extraordinary and compelling circumstances,' including but not limited to imminent death, unless, in its own judgment, a motion should be granted. Between 2000 and 2008, on average, 21.3 motions were filed each year. In about 24% of those motions, the prisoner died before the district court ever had a chance to rule on the motion."

"Lynne Stewart is dying," wrote her attorneys. She does not want to die in prison or become another statistic of someone who dies while the Bureau of Prisons delays its reconsideration of another application for compassionate release that she plans to file soon. 

Judge Koetl gave a directive to the Federal Attorney to set out its case by next Tuesday and also to explain why the Bureau of Prisons has refused to disclose or release the records that provide the basis for its denial of Lynne Stewart's recent application for compassionate release.

Lynne Stewart's defense attorneys will have one day to answer before the next hearing scheduled for Thursday, August 8 at 12 p.m.

udge Koetl has the authority to mandate immediate conditional release to Lynne Stewart.

Lynne Stewart’s condition is deteriorating rapidly. Medical treatment to arrest the cancer that is metastasizing in her body 

• Join Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, Dick Gregory, Alice Walker, Bianca Jagger, Pete Seeger, Ed Asner, Father  Miguel  D’Escoto Brockmann, Daniel Berrigan, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and 25,000 others in the United States and internationally who have signed the petition to free Lynne Stewart – at www.lynnestewart.org.

PLEASE CONSIDER HOLDING A RALLY IN YOUR COMMUNITY, TOO, ! Contact Ralph Poynter at (917) 853-9759

